More Ukraine blogs

Behold- Ukraine via blogs! 

(And prepare to surrender all your hours.)

This list was last updated in March 2018.

The older (and bigger) list of "Life in Ukraine" blogs is here.

Happy reading! : )

My Life in Transit
This blog is written by a world-travelling English teacher currently in Kharkiv. Check out Important Message from a WC and his 5-part masterpiece How 30 Days of Drinking Like a Ukrainian Made Me a More Spiritual Person (love the drunken pastries rant!).

Хороший Блог
Want to see what's been happening around the city lately? You'll find lots of recent photos on this site.

Al in Ukraine and the World 
What happens when a Wisconsin dairy farmer moves to the capital of Ukraine? Hint: it involves lots of food, fun, and friends. Also, check out Al's interview on moving to Kyiv here.

Dean O'Brien's Blog
A freelance photographer interested in social change in Ukraine and what factors attract women to marriage agencies. An intelligent read, great photos!

Fish out of Water
Peter Santenello created this short YouTube series to share his experiences moving from San Francisco to a small Ukrainian village. He then created another series called Beneath Kyiv. I'm excited to see what he does next. :)

How to Survive in Ukraine
I'm not actually sure which city this blog is based out of, but take a peek if you're looking for advice on train travel / gift giving / blending in, etc. If you're hoping for legal advice, try the blog Advice from A Ukrainian Lawyer.

Kathmandu and Beyond
Kirsty and Mark are travel bloggers with tons of great posts on Ukraine. They've traveled all around the country- Poltava, Dnipro, Slavutych, Vinnytsia, Kiev - and plan to return soon for more adventures.

Kyiv Street Style
Photo-blog. Ever wonder what's hot on the streets of Kyiv?

Kyiv with Kids
Andrea always manages to find something new in Kyiv; sometimes with 3 kids in tow, sometimes flying solo, but always with a great sense of humor! She's also an incredibly prolific blogger.

Spotted by Locals
Check out "Kiev- Latest Articles" to find our new favorite cafe or bar.

MY Pichka
An absolutely lovely Ukrainian-American couple that are regular posters, sharing their life in a village outside of L'viv. There's gardening, remodeling, canning, neighbors, and lots of friendly pets. Also good and up-to-date posts on politics in Ukraine.

The Pickle Project
Food + communities + Ukraine. Go here for all the market pics that you were too intimidated to take yourself ;)

Adventures of a Russophile 
Chelsea was in Kharkiv on exchange studying Russian, singing in a choir, and acting as a devoted English teacher to some of the city's youngest students. Although she's traded in Ukraine for Germany, the adventures haven't diminished- prepare to be inspired!

I present you with this link for crop updates from various countries of the former Soviet Union. It's actually rather interesting- not just the data but the fact that it's so fascinating for others.

Expat Eye on Germany 
Irish Linda has escaped Latvia to take on Germany! You show 'em, Linda ;)

Fluent Historian
Natalie speaks Russian and Ukrainian (and more) as foreign languages. Great insights into politics and current events written up in short and entertaining posts- this woman knows her subject matter!

Siberia Stories
A year in Yakutia. All the winter photos you could ever want, explorations into smaller towns and villages, and lots of cool cultural tidbits.

From Russia with Love 
The cool blog of a Brit teaching English to schoolchildren in Novosibirsk, Russia.

Life in Ufa
The adventures of a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Ufa, Russia.

Planet Russia 
Prepare yourself for maximum entertainment; no one can describe Moscow like Andy Frecka does. Suggested reading: The Chilling Draft of Russia, Russian Driver's License, Russia in the 90s, Getting to Work.

Russian Ukrainian Adventures
Not really a blog but if you're looking for love, this site is for you : ) Lots of funny/horrifying/tantalizing/heartwarming tales and info.

Know another good blog for this list? Please leave a comment below! : )


  1. Thank you for this page (finally:)! I've no idea when I'll ever have time to read them all but I will try to check them out at least. I had no idea there were so many PCVs in Ukraine!

    1. Haha, you're welcome! It did take a while to pull this list together :p Apparently Ukraine has the most Peace Corps volunteers IN THE WORLD at the moment...somewhere between 300 & 500! Most get placed in small villages and towns and that's why you and I (in Kiev and Kharkov) don't encounter many of them. But they certainly are prolific writers! :)

  2. Thanks for mentioning my blog! Yours is great and I'll be checking out some more of the Kiev & Ukraine blogs you have mentioned here.

    1. You have a good eye for catching strange things! I really enjoy your sense of humor : )

  3. As you requested other valid sites to add to the list, the RUA forum linked above is the busiest forum on the net on the subject of western men seeking former Soviet Union brides.

    1. Added! Thanks for the suggestion : ) Also, I put a link to one of your message boards in a recent post. For those looking for certain info, your site is top notch.

  4. Hi, really enjoying your blog after getting tweeted a link to it. Great to read more about the everyday in the midst of revolution and upheaval.
    I'm a Brit living in western Ukraine and have been keeping the following blog since November 2013:

    1. Wow, you've got some fascinating stuff in your blog! I'm looking forward to diving in and reading more (and will of course add it to this list!)

  5. Working my way through your posts. Your photos really grip me.

    I'm a seven year 'veteran'? of travelling to Ukraine.

    This month I have tried my hand at writing about it.

    Wondered if you were still accepting submissions to this quite extensive list of yours?

    Kind regards,


    1. Privit Danny! You bet I am : ) Always glad to see a new Ukraine blog on the radar!

      I saw a comment of yours on Brendan's blog (train travel post)- you mentioned a trip to Kharkiv. For work or for fun? It would be really interesting to hear your "Ukraine story"... any chance you'll make a post about that soon?

    2. Hi Katherine.

      Thanks for the inclusion here, it's really great to be part of this, although the link you have kindly added to my site doesn't work, for some reason :-(

      Thank you also for having a read and commenting.

      I still say that anyone interested in Ukraine needs to visit this site of yours; your photos alone I don't think can be beaten.

      As for my trip to Kharkiv last September... well, it was for pleasure, I have some photos and, maybe a tale to tell. Right now though, I'm writing a blog post on Lviv. Kharkiv will perhaps follow that.

      It's good to meet you, Kathrine.


    3. Oops! It's good you checked that link, Danny : ) Should be working now.

      Thank you for your kind words about my photos. It's really been fun to share them online with everyone. There's been a lot of computer chaos since we moved and I still have folders of unpublished photos to write about... once I find wherever they were backed up, haha.

      Looking forward to your Lviv post!

  6. I need to get a hoodie that will say: keep calm and love Ukraine

  7. I can't believe that you updated your list! Wow. Thank you, great job, you're incredible.
    (And I'm in the process of editing old posts, so really not as prolific as I used to be).

    1. Haha, I did! It was sometime last fall, and there were suddenly almost no English (non-political) blogs from people living in Ukraine. Glad to see you're still out there posting :)

  8. Awesome read. I’m going to Ukraine in a couple of months(in combination with Belarus and Moldova), and I’m really excited.

  9. Your eight months in Ukrine and you have described it 8 mints thank you for sharing with us

  10. I have been to Ukraine twice and I have been in absolute love with the place.
