Friday, October 28, 2011

End of the semester!

Yeah! The semester is almost over!!! Just 3 more classes on Sunday, and I'm free for a week! I mentally already checked out last week, so this week was loooong as my physical body still had to show up and teach classes...... my mind kept thinking "What in the world am I doing here?"

Yesterday was a grand finale of sorts. I taught 8 hours that day, as they again asked me to take the missing teacher's class. This time they gave me a couple hour's notice though, after most-apologetically making the request (I'm sure I looked majorly pissed the other day- if looks could kill, at least a couple of people would have dropped dead). Ironically, my regular evening classes yesterday turned out kind of eh but the class I subbed for (topic: advertising) was fantastic!

In other news, they've decided to discontinue the TOEFL course for now. I'm glad. That dinosaur needs a major overhaul and some serious teacher training / prep-work. (But I still have the teach this class one more time, on Sunday.) Even though this was such a challenge for me this semester (ahem, my first semester, freakin' a!) I think it's a course with a lot of potential, and I'd definitely consider doing it again in the future. There are a lot of good ideas out there for this kind of class. The school asked me to help them revamp the course, which I'm really looking forward to doing. Designing curriculum and setting up new programs = really exciting stuff for me.

My goals for next semester:
  •  get a Russian teacher and keep up my language studies
  • spend less time prepping for classes
  • have more time for enjoying Ukraine!

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