Saturday, February 4, 2012

100 griven later....

Why yes, yes I did. Green tea w/ jasmine, strawberry (herbal), lemon (herbal), pomegranate (herbal), raspberry (black), strawberry dessert (black), black currant (black). Ukraine is great.


  1. Hey! I came across your blog because I was searching for one of the brands of tea you've got in this picture! It's the only place I can find it on the internet without knowing the name!! The herbal strawberry and lemon teas that you've got there -- what brand are they? I'm desperately searching for a way to buy the black currant flavour! =)

    1. Hi! The black currant tea is made by Princess Noori. The strawberry and lemon teas are made in Ukraine by a company called Карпатський Чай (Carpathian Tea). Their website is

      Hope you're able to get a hold of what you're looking for! : )
